A good head on my shoulders

The suspense is a killer. You’re dying to know…How did she do at Falmouth this weekend?
Well, not great, but not bad. I finished in 55:55, according to my watch and I’m pretty sure the race clock was not more than 16 seconds off. So I can say pretty confidently, at least unofficially, I did not beat my time from 2008.
The not bad: Although it was not my fastest day, my race was not a total loss. The start was way more crowded than I had remembered and despite that I ran a 7:50 first mile. 7:48 was Mile 2 and I started to slow after that. After running 8:07 for Mile 5, I decided there was still time to salvage the race. Rather than throw in the towel, I picked it back up for 7:58 and 7:52 in the last 2 miles. My mid-run dip is always my challenge and so despite not having the legs I wanted yesterday, at least my head was there.
The good: The Run for the Memory Program is a charity partner with the New Balance Falmouth Road Race and we had 18 teammates running in purple singlets yesterday. I did not fundraise for the event, but those who did have raised almost $30,000 so far.
It was also great to see a few RaceMenu teammates, Greg at the start and Tyler at mile 6. And I swear the final “go Chrissy!” from Kathleen and Shannon just before the finish propelled me to run the last 1/10 of a mile at 6:08 pace (where were those legs earlier?!)
So I’m not super girl, and I can’t run a PR every race this summer, just because I’m generally in better shape than a few years ago. But I’m working out those kinks. If in the meantime, I can also keep my head in the race when I need to, I’m achieving some new kinds of personal bests.