Imperfectly Welcoming 2012

Hello again! I apologize for the longer-than-I-liked hiatus in posts. Life got crazy and some things, well, just had to give. Unfortunately, since no ones pays me to write this blog, I had to set it aside for a bit (however, if you know someone who would pay me…let’s talk!)
I did keep running however. You didn’t miss too much – a great 6.6 miler Halloween weekend, a few mildly disappointing 5Ks and most recently a few successful long runs. Oh, and all this is leading up to the Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon in Arizona in 2 weeks. But more to come on that.
One thing I realized about not writing the last few months was part of the motivation for my New Year’s resolution. You might remember my resolution last year was to sleep more. Er, let’s just hope this resolution lasts a bit longer…
My resolution for 2012 is to not let the inability to do something perfectly keep me from doing, or trying to do it perfectly at all. I have a problem with this. I’m not perfect nor was this a giant revelation. But sometimes I set high standards for myself and rather than fail trying to reach my goals and learn from the process, I sometimes just shut off completely. For example, please let me know if any of the following reasons will keep you from reading this blog:
1) My blog design has not been updated.
2) A post it too short.
3) The post comes later than I would have liked to write it.
Dealbreakers? Probably not? But in part, why I have waited almost 3 months to write again. I bet I would have enjoyed writing short, late posts on my outdated blog, but I didn’t think it was what my blog should look like, so I waited. And waited. I started this blog because I like writing and as result of my perfection obsession, instead of writing a little and enjoying it, I haven’t been writing at all.
And it’s not just writing. I started working on this with my running a few weeks ago and it also led me to translate it to life in general. As for running, I’m trying to learn from the process of training or races, rather than have the outcome of any one run or race determine what I think of myself as a runner. And that means missing the mark sometimes.
As 2012 is only a few hours away, I can’t help but think of the year ahead. I wish you a very happy and healthy new year and I hope you’ll keep reading in 2012. I’m looking forward to it and sticking to this resolution/experiment. I’m sure I’ll do so…imperfectly.