A weekend sans running
Well, it wasn’t exactly supposed to happen, but I can accept it. More so now anyway than a few weeks ago. This weekend, for the first weekend in I don’t know how long, I didn’t get out to run at all. Partly by choice and partly by circumstance. Circumstances that included the nasty allergies that have left me breathing solely through my mouth for the last 24 hours. Running just did not seem like it would be fun today.
It was sort of the final step in a week that brought me back to several activities left behind during marathon training. Sure I would have loved to include them in my training schedule, but those darn 8-9 hours a day at work, kept bumping them out. Swimming, yoga, lifting…I even went for a 7 + mile walk and caught up on over a month of news with my friend Amy. I’m actually quite sore today as well. But in a good way. Waking up some muscles that have been overlooked for the last 4 months is probably a good thing.
But I will say, despite my gloomy posts the last 2 weeks, I am starting to get the running bug again. No marathon registrations in my immediate future but I am looking forward to waking up tomorrow for an easy 5 miler.
With the help of my fabulous sister, I also decided to capture the memories of the marathon with a little video. Even if the day wasn’t perfect, it was still worth remembering. Check it out 🙂